crane machine > NEWS > Instructions for use of mobile hydraulic lifting platform

Instructions for use of mobile hydraulic lifting platform

07 18, 2019

1. Carefully check the hydraulic system and tires before using, operate the mobile hydraulic lifting platform only when there is no leakage or insufficient air pressure;

2. Before using the equipment, the mobile hydraulic lifting platform should be operated at no load for 3 times, and can be loaded only after the safety is confirmed;

3. The safety legs must be locked before loading and unloading the goods;

4. The mobile hydraulic lifting platform must work on the solid ground with a speed limit of 3km/h;

5. During the operation of the mobile hydraulic lifting platform, must not to overload and eccentric load to avoid danger;

6. The hydraulic oil should be kept clean and must not be mixed with water and other impurities, the hydraulic oil is changed once a year;

7. When the mobile hydraulic lifting platform is found something wrong, stop the operation immediately and eliminate the malfunction.

mobile hydraulic lifting platform


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